WELCOME – Elective Students
Victoria Hospital is a popular destination for elective medical students from across the globe. These students are able to acquire clinical skills while being supervised by specialists. Victoria Hospital is a teaching institution that’s well known for its excellence. As a district hospital it offers students and interns a perfect balance of expert supervision and hands on clinical training. You can’t beat the highly skilled specialists at Victoria, their clinical excellence is matched by their love for teaching. At Victoria Hospital you will get the opportunity to assist in theatre, join medical intakes, work in general and paediatric wards, and even work in our busy emergency room (ER).
Victoria also offers students an opportunity to be part of a medical team – we know that it’s essential to have a close working relationship with the nursing teams, fellow medical officers and other departments.
The application process is easy.
For International elective student applications please contact Lauren van Stormbroek, Lauren.vanStormbroek@westerncape.gov.za
For South African elective student applications contact Nichola Daniels at nichola.daniels@uct.ac.za