Become a Friend of Victoria, here's how

Fundraise, Donate funds, Give in kind or Volunteer


It’s easy to become a Friend of Victoria – simply show your support and care by fundraising, donating funds, giving in kind or volunteering.
Then you are a Friend of Victoria, forever

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Friends of Victoria 

This special group is made up of anyone who fundraises, donates money, gives in kind or volunteers at Victoria Hospital:  a true Friend of Victoria. Victoria was built by the community in 1889 and continues to be supported by people who care for the communities around Victoria Hospital.

To fundraise, give in kind or volunteer please contact us on:


Fundraising: Hospital Projects

Or deposit directly and email your name and address to 

Fundraiser Bank Details
Account: Victoria Hospital Facility Board
Name of bank: Nedbank
Account number: 1083464574

Your Donation is Tax Deductible

Friends of Victoria is overseen by the Facility Board which is governed by the Western Cape Health Facility Boards Act no. 7 of 2001, enabling the board to issue a Section 18a Certificate and tax exemption for every donation made to the hospital.

TEU (Tax Exemption Unit) number 930013783

Good Governance at Victoria Hospital

Victoria Hospital prides itself on strong financial governance, ensuring transparency, accountability and sound management of resources. The facility board regularly reviews financial practices and reports. It prioritizes the responsible management of donor contributions, ensuring that all proceeds are used for its intended purpose, as identified by the donor. Your support is in safe hands with us.

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Want to Get in Touch? Here's how

To Donate contact
To Fundraise or Volunteer contact


             We would love to answer your questions

We welcome your questions about how you can support the good work happening at Victoria Hospital. Contact our Board Secretary at

Victoria Hospital is a district hospital in the middle of a large city. The hospital has Level 2 status, meaning that…

Victoria serves the Southern District which stretches from Wynberg in the north to Hout Bay and Imizamo Yethu in the west, Phillipi and Lavender Hill in the east and Simonstown and Masiphumulele in the south. Areas such as Plumstead, Retreat, Diep River, Constantia, Fish Hoek, Muizenberg are also covered by Victoria. The Forensics Department covers Cape Town central all the way to Simon’s Town.

Victoria cares for patients both without medical aid and with medical aid but who are not covered for certain procedures. We admit South African citizens and African Nationals or foreigners with asylum seeker or refugee status to receive care at Victoria Hospital. We take care of a high percentage of elderly people as a result of the demographic of the neighbouring areas.

Yes – in theory, the Department of Health funds the day-to-day running of Victoria Hospital, but providing the care that we believe all members of the community deserve often demands more funds than government has earmarked for our budget.

Services like key-hole surgery, with all its benefits of quick healing and less scarring, should not be considered a luxury for those with medical aid, but something that is in reach of everyone.

The media often focuses on the shortcomings of government hospitals. We aim to be a hospital that is constantly striving to offer top quality care. Put plainly, it comes down to our desire to bridge the gap between rich and poor or patients with medical aid and those without.

2015-2016 Focus Projects are: Lifesavers, Dash for Life, Cutting Edge Care and 6 000 Seconds to Sound.

However, smaller projects like Colour of Hope (ward refurbishment), Healing Hands (support OT and Forensics teams), Abundant Life (sponsor Palliative Care support groups) and Suds for Scrubs (sponsor sterilisation equipment) for  have smaller budgets and may capture your heart and support for personal reasons.

Victoria Hospital is a well-managed hospital that operates within budget and pays its bills within 30 days. All department heads are incredibly disciplined and manage their own departments and resources exceptionally well. As its a small hospital it is also far easier to ensure ethical management of funds, and integrity is highly prized at Victoria. The hospital has a long-standing reputation for excellent care and dedicated staff, despite the challenges of a lack of space and tight government budgets.


Victoria Hospital's goal is to provide quality healthcare and excel as a teaching institution.
-Llewellyn Jones Chairman of the board-