The Emergency Centre (EC) is in many ways the front door of the hospital. On average 2500-3000 people come through its doors per month. They are met by an excellent team who aim to offer them the best care possible, whether the emergency be medical, surgical or even social.
The success of the Emergency Centre lies in impeccable teamwork. Every member of the team playing an important role, from nursing staff, porters, clerks, cleaning and kitchen staff and doctors. They have a combined priority of offering not just state of the art medicine but care and empathy too. In the EC patients are stabilised and referred to the appropriate department or treated and discharged home.
The Centre was built in 1972 as a temporary addition to the hospital with a dream to build a bigger and better facility. In 2021 this long awaited dream was realised. Friends of Victoria partnered with the government to build a state of the art unit.
The upgrade has meant improvements for patient privacy, improved infection control, spacious fully equipped resuscitation areas and much more. It has provided a modern and up to date space for patients and everything needed to offer high level emergency care and improved patient management.