Social Work

A practical investment in moving lives forward.


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Most patients long to go home after a stay in hospital, but for some ‘home’ is not a safe place where they can easily heal. A social worker practises alongside other government groups, NPOs, doctors and schools to show a patient what their ‘next steps’ after hospital are. This is not always an easy solution as resources are very stretched in many directions, especially in respect of dealing with drug rehabilitation and mental health.

However the day-to-day victories may be seeing that a child goes to school, that a mentally ill person gets ongoing care, an abused child is placed in protection or an elderly person reconnects with family. Our social workers  do all they can to make going home something that patients look forward to.

Click to see images of Imizamo Yethu and Lavender Hill. 

Adel Mentor  – Social Worker 
Head of Department, Social Work 

Adel Mentor has been a Social Worker at Victoria Hospital since September 2020.

She is incredibly invested in her role as a social worker and avidly uses every opportunity given to positively impact the lives of her patients.

She is committed to empowering individuals and strengthening  families by providing them with knowledge, skills, encouragement and hope to ensure a better present and future.

She is a strong advocate for her patients, ensuring that they are treated with dignity, respect and fairness irrespective of social circumstances or background. Every person matters.

She has a passion for adolescents and brings insight from her time as renal dialysis and transplant social worker at Groote Schuur Hospital.

Adel has a Bachelor’s degree in Social Work from the University of Cape Town . She is married and a mother to a 7 year old. She enjoys singing in her church worship team.

Click on picture to meet Social Worker,  Madiegah Kamaar.

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“I shall pass this way but once, any good that I can do or any kindness I can show to any human being , let me do it now. Let me not defer nor neglect it, for I shall not pass this way again.”
Ettienne de Grellet